The Trusted Partner of Coffee Lovers
Producing and Custom-Roasting Beans; Sharing Informative Resources
Dedicated to Producing Premium-Quality Coffee
We specialize in single-estate 100% Kona coffee.
Our company, founded in 2015, is committed to providing knowledgeable, passionate coffee consumers with high-quality, single-estate 100% Kona coffees with distinctive flavor characteristics that emanate from specific terroirs. We grow, process, roast, and sell premium Kona brands to satisfy the interests of discriminating coffee connoisseurs.
We use a small-batch air roaster to custom roast at four levels: Medium, City, Full City, and Vienna. We produce and sell Absolute Decaf, which is 99.9%+ caffeine-free and amazingly flavorful. Our Cynthiana Farm and Honalo Farm have about 4,000 trees in the world-class Kona Coffee Belt on the Big Island of Hawai'i (see map). To buy our coffee, visit our e-commerce website www.absolutelykona.com. Consider joining our Coffee Club for a 10% discount. We also sell green beans in bulk with wholesale pricing.

Terroir [ter-wahr'] is a collection of special attributes derived from the geography (region, elevation, slope), geology (soil, hydrology), and microclimate (weather) of a specific location. This concept relates to a unique sense of place, especially the influence of place on the properties of certain agricultural products, such as wine, coffee, tea, tobacco, and chocolate. Terroir forms a basis for the widely used classification system that reflects appellation of origin (AOC) and underpins the value of single-estate or single-origin coffee.